The 7 best ways to set priorities in life

The 7 best ways to set priorities in life

EVERYONE in this world has 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds in a day. It doesn’t matter whether you are a billionaire, millionaire, or even poor, we all have the same amount of time in life.

But if everyone has the same amount of time then why are some people successful and others unsuccessful? Why one student tops the examinations while others fail in spite of having the same amount of time to prepare for their examinations?

The answer is ‘Priorities.’

Yes, it is just a matter of priorities. The student who gives priorities to his studies tops the examination. On the other hand, the students who failed the exam gave priorities to other things such as sports, girls, parties, etc.

So it is very very important to be wise while deciding your priority list.

“If you want to change your life then just give priorities to those things which will help you change your life.”

In this article, I am going to give you some practical tips that will help you set priorities in your life.

1. Make a list of important things:

Every day, when you wake up, make a list of things which are important to you. Place the things which are most important to you on the top of the priority list. Once you’ve decided your priorities, work on their clarity. State them as simply as you can. Writing down your priorities clearly will help you in organizing your day-to-day work.

If you don’t even know what your priorities are, then take this ‘Life values self-assessment test’. This test will help you find your priorities in life.

“Make a list of things that make you happy, Make a list of things you do every day, Compare the lists, Adjust accordingly.”

2. Write down what you want in life:

When you have a clear objective of what you want in your life, then it will be easy for you to set priorities. You just need to figure out your goals. You cannot set your priorities without knowing what you want to achieve in the first place. Write down where you want to be in 5, 10 or 15 years from now? How do you want to look back at your life in your final days? Find out ways which will help you achieve whatever you want and make those ways your priorities.

“You can’t find what you want if you don’t know what you are looking for.”

-Mathew E. Fryer

3. You cannot do everything, so just delegate it:

Most of the people fail in life because they try to do everything without realizing that everyone has limited time. They fail to bifurcate their priorities. You cannot do everything in life because your time is limited. Just bifurcate your priority list according to the things which you have to do and the things which others can do for you.

Most people fail to delegate the work that someone else can do for them. You can do the most important tasks and demonstrate your trust in your friends or family members by delegating some work to them. It will reduce your workload and you will be able to focus on things which are of utmost importance to you.

4. Focus on what is important and not what is urgent:

You must prioritize your time in accordance with what is most important to you and not what is most urgent to you. Initially, everything on your list might look important to you, which might be true to an extent but as you practice the art of prioritizing, you will get better at differentiating the more important things from the less important ones.

“Focus on what’s important and let go of what isn’t.”

5. Don’t allow anyone to interfere with your priority list:

It’s your life, so you have to decide your priorities according to your goals.

Don’t allow others to confuse you. Your heart already knows what is right for you. So just listen to it. Don’t let anyone else dilute the power of your inner voice.

6. Find a purpose for your priorities:

If you have a purpose attached to your priorities then it will be easier for you to bifurcate between priorities. The priorities which have the stronger purpose should be put on the top of the priority list.

“The purpose of a life is a life of purpose.”

7. Use a reminder:

Many people know what their priorities are in life and they efficiently set their priorities too but another problem they face after setting their priorities is that they forget their priorities while dealing with their day-to-day life. So always use a reminder or an alarm which will remind you of your priorities daily.

Mistakes to avoid:-

Here is a list of mistakes that you must avoid while deciding your priorities.
  • Writing lengthy list.
  • Letting random events distract you.
  • Failing to make a do-to list with care.
  • Not connecting priorities with goals.
  • Multitasking.
Now, while making your priority list use the tips I just provided you and try to avoid the above-mentioned mistakes and you will see an immediate change in your life.


In this world, no one is too busy that he/she can’t find time for their dreams, it’s just a matter of priorities. If something is important to you, then you will find time for it, no matter what. If today you are successful or unsuccessful, wealthy or poor, healthy or sick then it is all because of your priorities.

“The things that you gave priority in the past have given you results today and the things that you give priority today will give you results tomorrow.”